
Just a big thank you for organizing a great week for my daughter and me. It was a privilege to help build a bathroom in such a loving and vibrant community. The project work was meaningful because we were able to help build it in 2 plus days and enjoyed playing with the kids at the school. I liked the mix of planned tourist events and work/labor. I also liked how you always knew the evenings would be solo and for resting/exploring. We loved the local places we went to: markets, family homes, an ox ride, cooking classes, Apsara dancing, and water blessings.

Special thanks to John for his good nature, good driving, and guidance, he did a great job coordinating throughout the week. We're flexible and went with the flow. Appreciate all his efforts and thanks for taking care of us during our amazing week with him. Through this program, we were able to see Cambodia through such a unique, localized, and rewarding perspective.

- Yoko Shimomura, August 2024, Cambodia

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