Volunteer Vacation Testimonials
Romania Testimonials

I was lucky enough to participate with two friends - a professor and special ed teacher. Their insight into why social interactions, singing, etc was so meaningful was educational for me. Plus I enjoyed learning more about the center and how those with special needs in Romania are supported. Appreciated the personal service. Nicoletta, Mihai and Bogdan were excellent hosts and the camaraderie was fun and meaningful. [The Globe Aware program] is a very well rounded and thought through program. The hotel was great - service was top-notch and absolutely everyone was very fluent and so passionate about their roles. You can tell they are passionate about what they are doing.
Monica Brown June 2019

I had a fine time in Romania, one of my best Globe Aware trips.(...) I want you to know what a wonderful week you provided me in Romania. It was even more special because we were trated more like a part of the family than visitors - staying at their B&B - like one of their family. Food was WONDERFUL! I am glad we were able to further the goals for the community center as it will supply some critical services when it is completed. A busy but satisfying week! - Mark Sanger, November 2012

"Hugely meaningful. Simona is both an exceptional teacher and an inspiration. The project she is working on is inspiring the kids to be interested in school and reach for a bigger and fuller future which will resonate with the rest of their communities and help them build better foundations. We started the week with about 15-20 kinds and had about 45 kids by the end of the week that all wanted to be there and actively participate in learning. It inspired me to take real steps when I returned home to begin pursuing a career in teaching (although this process with take me about three years to make a full transition). It's something I thought about for a while, but this trip gave me a taste of really making it happen.