
The work was not as meaningful as in years past, but we had record flooding and rain. It canceled several projects. Still, we worked hard enough each day and there is something new every time I visit. We had to survey flood damage one day because the rivers were overflowing. As we approached the area, I heard a rustle in the woods to my left. It turned out to be a small elephant! An unforgettable experience, steering an elephant in the wild.

I had lots of free time to spend with the kids, they are adorable. If you can speak English and give out lots of hugs, you will be. The coordinator and director are like family by now and there were multiple opportunities to interact with locals. I was the only non-Asian I saw for six days! This location also had some of the best accommodations in the Globe Aware system and I enjoyed the food, there was always enough!- Don Germaise September 2024 Thailand Hill Tribes

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